2024 Chinese Super League Round 23: Shanghai Shenhua vs. Shanghai Seaport Pre-Match Press Conference
Slutsky: The importance of tomorrow's match is undeniable, and the outside world is eagerly anticipating this derby. The result of tomorrow's game will directly affect the outcome of this season's Chinese Super League championship. We will definitely do our best to showcase our best level.
Fernando: Tomorrow, we will welcome the second Shanghai derby of the league at home. I think the outside world is very much looking forward to tomorrow's game, hoping to continue our good performance at home.
? This is the third encounter between us and Seaport this season. In the previous two games, Shenhua achieved one win and one draw. Will these two games of experience serve as a reference for the team?
Slutsky: This question needs to be answered from two aspects. On one hand, we have gained some experience and have a certain understanding of how to win games. But on the other hand, a new game is like a new movie, and tomorrow's game is also a new experience.
? What do you think is the most important factor for victory in tomorrow's game?
Slutsky: I believe that if we talk about the most important factor that determines the outcome of tomorrow's game, it is the courage that bursts forth from the players after being motivated. This is indispensable. At the same time, it is also about making fewer mistakes than the opponent. One mistake can potentially decide the outcome of the entire game.
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