孙世林的足球旅程:去年被带走后回归 如今终身禁足
AD 2024, September 10th. Today, the Chinese Professional Football League held a press conference on the crackdown on "fake gambling and black" in Chinese football. At the conference, it was announced that Sun Shilin has been banned for life from any football-related activities.
The timeline of Sun Shilin's involvement in the case is as follows:
On March 17th, 2023, Sun Shilin was taken away by the police in Shanghai for alleged involvement in gambling.
On April 13th, 2023, Sun Shilin was not included in the Chinese Super League squad submitted by Shanghai Shenhua for the 2023 season.
On April 18th, 2024, Sun Shilin joined Shanghai Orange-Orange Club.
In May 2024, Sun Shilin's name appeared on the squad list of Shanghai Orange-Orange Club for the Chinese FA Cup, but he did not make any appearances in the matches.
Finally, on the morning of September 10th, 2024, during the press conference on the crackdown on "fake gambling and black," it was officially announced that Sun Shilin has been banned for life from any football-related activities.
This is a significant blow to Sun Shilin's football career, as he will not be able to participate in any professional football activities for the rest of his life. It serves as a reminder of the severe consequences of involvement in gambling and illegal activities in football.
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